October 29, 2021
Social Identity Theory and related psychological theories suggest people
Anti-immigration attitudes could be driven by:
These group-centric responses can be mobilized by politicians (e.g. Trump ad)
\(1.\) “more Americans prefer to decrease immigration than to increase it. But majorities nowadays also reject major cuts to the admission of refugees, skilled workers, and close relatives of US citizens, categories that account for 95% of green cards that the government issues each year.”
\(2.\) “Most Americans express negative views about illegal immigrants and support efforts to crack down on unauthorized border crossings and hiring. But strong majorities – in some polls approaching 90% – support giving millions of illegal immigrants a way to become US citizens and oppose mass deportation”
Levy and Wright (2020) directly test whether people exhibit biases against ethnic out-groups:
If white Americans’ immigration attitudes are driven by SIT/group-centrist psychology, what patterns would you expect to observe?
Proportion of immigrants accepted by national origin:
How do these results compare to your expectations?
In this experiment, they also randomly varied six other attributes of the immigrants:
These other attributes matter quite a bit more…
What is going on here?
Levy and Wright argue that:
There are several different sets of civic fairness values; norms about functional and formal assimilation are widely prevalent.
Because civic fairness values are (a) important to people (emotional) and (b) easily accessible (cognitive):
Recall: Trump ad, Prop 187
In a random sample of 888 news stories about immigration:
Political messaging may work to conflate values and ethnicity:
If Group-centric accounts are correct:
If Civic Fairness account is correct:
If Levy and Wright are correct, and civic fairness values are what drive immigration attitudes:
In another experiment, survey respondents are asked to decide whether one immigrant should be given path to legal status.
Randomly assign…
Information erases ethnic bias \(\xrightarrow{suggests}\) ethnic stereotypes as heuristic
In another experiment:
Respondents are asked to choose whether to support a policy of admitting 100,000 more immigrants per year.
When immigration policy details more clear, ethnic bias disappears
Maybe norms about civic fairness are applied unevenly across ethnic/racial groups?
Raises key question: