November 2, 2018

Media and Violence

Persuasion and Coordination


1) Recap

2) Nazi-Era Radio (Persuasion)

3) Contemporary Context


Rwanda, Radio, Coordination

Key finding

Radio messages with anti-Tutsi diagnostic frames, pre-emptive violence prognostic frames caused more genocidal violence

Rwanda, Radio, Coordination

Coordination Effects (for sure)

Stronger effects on collective violence

Non-linear "tipping point" in effect of radio

"Spill-over" effects from radio exposure of neighboring villages

Rwanda, Radio, Coordination

Persuasion Effects (maybe)

Increases in individual violence?

Inter-war Germany

Nazi-Era Radio:

Did exposure to the radio increase violence against Jews?

Examine two time periods:

  • 1928-1932 (Moderate control over radio)
  • 1933-1945 (Nazi control over radio)

Nazi-Era Radio:

How do they find effects?

  1. Local variation in exposure to radio signals;

  2. Change in content of radio


Nazi Voting

Increasing radio exposure with Moderate messages

\(\rightarrow\) fewer Nazi votes

Increasing radio exposure with Nazi messages

\(\rightarrow\) more Nazi Votes


Nazi Voting

Increasing radio exposure with Moderate messages

\(\rightarrow\) fewer Nazi votes

Increasing radio exposure with Nazi messages

\(\rightarrow\) more Nazi Votes


Antisemitic Behavior (1929-1934)

Increasing radio exposure with Moderate messages

\(\rightarrow\) less anti-Semitic violence/harassment

Increasing radio exposure with Nazi messages

\(\rightarrow\) more anti-Semitic violence/harassment


Antisemitic Behavior (Late 1930s)

Radio exposure with Nazi messages


  • more denunciations/deportations of Jews
  • more open letters to anti-Semitic newspapers
  • no effect on attacks on Synagogues

Nazi-era Radio

Persuasion or Coordination?

  1. No effects on attacks on synagogues (more coordination required)

  2. Exposure to radio caused more denunciations of Jews, open letters to Nazi newspapers (individual actions)

Nazi-era Radio

Persuasion or Coordination?

  1. Effects of Nazi radio different in places with different histories of anti-Semitism

14th century pogroms against Jews predict Nazi-era violence, and

  • Radio exposure increased anti-Semitism in places with medieval anti-Jewish pogroms
  • Radio exposure decreased anti-Semitism in places without medieval anti-Jewish pogroms


Must be Persuasion and Dissuasion

persuasion: frames are resonant (consonant) and lead to violence, antisemitism

dissuasion: frames are opposite of resonant (dissonant), provoke a backlash

Persuasion and Dissuasion

Serbian Radio in Croatia

Using local variation in radio exposure…

Croatian communities with Serbian nationalist Radio see:

  • Increased vote for extremist Croatian parties
  • Increased anti-Serb graffiti

Today in the US

Trump language "Dangerous"?

Hate crimes?

Hate crimes?

Any different from AfD?

Can we attribute violence
(at least in part)
to Trump/politician rhetoric?


Given what we've seen this week…