November 5, 2018

Media and Violence

Persuasion and Coordination


1) Priming

2) Priming Effects

3) Narratives


Implicit vs Explicit

Ethnic/Racial messages

explicit: use of ethnic/racial nouns or adjectives to endorse in-group prerogatives, to express anti- out-group sentiment, to represent ethnic/racial stereotypes, or to portray a threat from the out-group.

  • In the US, an explicit message uses such words as “blacks,” “race,” or “racial” to express anti-black sentiment or to make racially stereotypical or derogatory statements.

implicit: a message that endorses in-group prerogatives, expresses anti- out-group sentiment, represents ethnic/racial stereotypes, or portrays a threat from the out-group without ethnic/racial nouns/adjectives using either words or images


in psychology: exposure to one stimulus influences a response to a subsequent stimulus, without conscious guidance or intention

"dog whistle"

  • implicit message, not necessarily conscious shift in behavior

Priming: Does it work?

Priming: Classic Examples

Crime in the US:

  • Over-representation of African Americans in television crime reporting

Priming: Classic Examples

Social Welfare

Experiments show Americans:

  • more likely to support "assistance to the poor"
  • less like to support "welfare"

Words "mean the same", but different racial connotations…

Priming: Complications

BUT: not always sure that "words means the same thing"

Huber and Paris: people think of different policies when they hear "assistance to the poor" vs. "welfare"

Priming and Racial/Ethnic Attitudes

Random exposure to Trump Quotes

  • Effects on negative/offensive statements about groups

Priming and Violence:

Shooter Experiments

  • Police Simulator
  • Decide whether "suspect" is armed or unarmed
  • Time pressure (less than 1 second)