Michael Weaver

January 12, 2024

Potential Outcomes and Causal Inference


Does Contact Reduce Prejudice?

Allport (1954) and a large literature suggests that prejudice against groups can sometimes be reduced through interpersonal contact

  • Contact could create empathy, contradict negative stereotypes. But people could also build empathy without contact.

Does Contact Reduce Prejudice?

Does Contact Reduce Prejudice?

In pairs:

How do statistical tests help authors assess causality?

Do you find these statistical tests persuasive (about causality)?

Compare and contrast

Broockman and Kalla use simple \(t\) tests to compare differences in means

“The power of multiple regression analysis is that it allows us to do in non-experimental environments what natural scientists are able to do in a controlled laboratory setting: keep other factors fixed” (Wooldridge 2009: 77)

Design vs. Model-based inferences

A matter of degree

Statistical evidence for causality combines observed data and a mathematical model of the world.

  • mathematical model describes how observed data are generated
  • model always involves assumptions
  • can almost always apply the model, even if it is wrong

Design vs. Model-based inferences

Causal evidence varies in terms of complexity of math/restrictiveness of assumptions: a matter of degree

  • Model-based inferences about causality depend on complex statistical models with many difficulty-to-assess assumptions

  • Design-based inferences about causality use carefully controlled comparisons with simple models and transparent assumptions

Design vs. Model-based inferences

Whatever our approach…

do the assumptions needed to use this mathematical tool reasonably fit reality?


  • Counterfactual Causality
  • Potential Outcomes
  • Causal Effects (unit, average, etc.)
  • Partial Identification
  • Neyman Causal Model (Point Identification)


What is causality?

What does it mean to say that interpersonal contact with an out-group members causes a reduction in prejudice (toward that group)?

What is causality?

Causality is…

(1) Counterfactual

  • A statement of what the state of the world would have been had prior events been different

“If legal cannabis policy had not been adopted, then Y…”

  • For some putative cause \(C\), causal effect of \(C\) is the difference between the two, otherwise identical, states of the world where \(C\) is present versus absent.

What is causality?

Causality is…

(2) Manipulation

Causality requires something acting on another (a mechanism)

  • e.g. barometer and storms

What is causality?

Counterfactual and manipulation together:

  • counterfactuals without manipulation do not give us the direction of causality
  • manipulation without counterfactuals may yield spurious conclusions

Potential Outcomes

A powerful way to formalize a mathematical model of causality

Potential Outcomes

Imagine you were a participant in an experiment similar to the Broockman and Kalla paper…

Imagine that, today, you were asked to contribute money to a trans-rights advocacy organization. Write down: would you contribute (1) - and how much - or not contribute (0)…

  • … if, yesterday, you were in the no contact group
  • … if, yesterday, you were in the contact group

Potential Outcomes

In an experiment with two conditions: each subject, prior to intervention has two possible states that it could take.

If \(Y_i\) is the donation status of person \(i\); \(Z\) is the experimental condition: \(1\) indicates contact, \(0\) no contact, then we have two potential outcomes

  1. donation status with no contact is \(Y_i(0)\)
  2. donation status with contact is \(Y_i(1)\)

More generally: \(Y_i(Z_i \in (0,1))\)

Potential Outcomes

on the board, let’s make a table of potential outcomes corresponding to this thought experiment

Potential Outcomes

Tables of potential outcomes for different units are response schedules

  • a general tool for thinking of how units behave under different possible counterfactual conditions

Potential Outcomes

Potential outcomes help us mathematically describe causal effects.

The unit causal effect of contact for person \(i\) is the difference between the potential outcomes:

\[\tau_i = Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)\]

Potential Outcomes

What kinds of assumptions are built in this response schedule?. Discuss in pairs

  • We observe some value of \(Y\) for everyone. (no attrition)
  • Potential outcomes for person \(i\) don’t depend on treatment status of person \(j\) (SUTVA)

Potential Outcomes

What happens when we’ve fallen from Mount Olympus, and we actually have to examine the data?

  • Let’s “run” the experiment!
  • What unit causal effects do we observe?

Potential Outcomes


  • Can never observe the unit causal effect
  • Only ever observe \(Y_i(1)\) or \(Y_i(0)\) for a unit \(i\), not both.
  • One potential outcome is factual; other is counterfactual
  • This is the Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference

Potential Outcomes

fundamental problem of causal inference:

i \(Y_i(0)\) \(Y_i(1)\) \(Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)\)
1 ? 0 ?
2 1 ? ?
3 ? 1 ?
4 0 ? ?
5 ? 1 ?

Potential Outcomes

The potential outcomes model allows us to imagine different causal estimands for different purposes

  • We might want unit causal effects
  • We might want the average causal effect
  • We might want the average treatment effect on treated/control
  • We might want quantile treatment effects
  • all suffer from fundamental problem of causal inference.

Potential Outcomes

The potential outcomes model also points towards possible solutions:

  • we have missing data about some potential outcomes for each case
  • similar to having data from a sample but not the entire population
  • different approaches we can take to solve this problem
    • one approach makes fewer assumptions, but only gives us bounds (partial identification)
    • another approach makes more assumptions, but gives us a specific value estimate (point identification) with some uncertainty

Partial Identification

Partial Identification

point identification: when an attribute of an unobserved/population distribution can be inferred without bias to have a specific value, given the observed data.

partial identification: when an attribute of an unobserved/population distribution can be inferred without bias to be within a range of values, given the observed data.

  • what do we mean by bias?

Partial Identification

Using information about the treatment \(Z\) (contact or no contact) and the outcome \(Y\) (donation or no donation), we can infer a range of values for each unit treatment effect:

Return to the board: what possible values could each unobserved potential outcome take?

Partial Identification

If we want to know what is the average unit causal effect (\(E[\tau_i] = \frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}\tau_i\))…

How might we get the upper and lower bounds for what that effect could be, given the observed data?

Partial Identification

\(E[\tau_i] = E[Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)] = E[Y_i(1)] - E[Y_i(0)]\)

  • \(Pr(Z_i = 0)\)/\(Pr(Z_i = 1)\) is fraction of units that are untreated/tretaed. Can shorten to \(\pi_0\) and \(\pi_1\)

We decompose the mean of \(Y(1)\) and \(Y(0)\) as a weighted mean of “principal strata”: those treated (\(Z=1\)) and untreated (\(Z=0\))

\[\begin{equation}\begin{split}E[\tau_i] &= \overbrace{\{E[Y_i(1)|Z_i = 1]\pi_1 + E[Y_i(1)|Z_i = 0]\pi_0\}}^{\text{Mean of Y when treated}} \\ & \phantom{=}\ - \underbrace{\{E[Y_i(0)|Z_i = 1]\pi_1 + E[Y_i(0)|Z_i = 0]\pi_0\}}_{\text{Mean of Y when untreated}} \end{split} \end{equation}\]

Partial Identification

Some of the means within strata are \(\color{black}{observed}\) and other are \(\color{red}{counterfactual}\): Why?

\[\begin{equation}\begin{split}E[\tau_i] &= \{E[Y_i(1)|Z_i = 1]\pi_1 + \color{red}{E[Y_i(1)|Z_i = 0]}\pi_0\} \\ & \phantom{=}\ - \{\color{red}{E[Y_i(0)|Z_i = 1]}\pi_1 + E[Y_i(0)|Z_i = 0]\pi_0\} \end{split} \end{equation}\]

Partial Identification

\[\begin{equation}\begin{split}E[\tau_i] &= \{E[Y_i(1)|Z_i = 1]\pi_1 + \overbrace{\color{red}{E[Y_i(1)|Z_i = 0]}}^{\text{Mean Y(1) for untreated}}\pi_0\} \\ & \phantom{=}\ - \{\underbrace{\color{red}{E[Y_i(0)|Z_i = 1]}}_{\text{Mean Y(0) for treated}}\pi_1 + E[Y_i(0)|Z_i = 0]\pi_0\} \end{split} \end{equation}\]

We can plug in the maximum and minimum possible values for these unobserved counterfactuals, to calculate the highest and lowest possible values \(E[\tau_i]\)

In groups, what is the maximum possible value for \(E[\tau_i]\) using data on the board? What is the minimum?

Partial Identification

If \(Y \in {Y^L, Y^U}\) (the minimum and maximum possible values of \(Y\) are \(Y^L, Y^U\) respectively):


Highest possible average causal effect when untreated cases would have had highest value of \(Y\) if treated and treated cases would have had lowest value of \(Y\) if untreated.

\[\begin{equation}\begin{split}E[\tau_i]^U &= \{E[Y_i(1)|Z_i = 1]\pi_1 + \color{red}{Y^U}\pi_0\} \\ & \phantom{=}\ - \{\color{red}{Y^L}\pi_1 + E[Y_i(0)|Z_i = 0]\pi_0\} \end{split} \end{equation}\]

Partial Identification

If \(Y \in {Y^L, Y^U}\) (the minimum and maximum possible values of \(Y\) are \(Y^L, Y^U\) respectively):

Lowest possible average causal effect when untreated cases would have had highest value of \(Y\) if treated and treated cases would have had lowest value of \(Y\) if untreated.

\[\begin{equation}\begin{split}E[\tau_i]^L &= \{E[Y_i(1)|Z_i = 1]Pr(Z_i=1) + \color{red}{Y^L}Pr(Z_i=0)\} \\ & \phantom{=}\ - \{\color{red}{Y^U}Pr(Z_i=1) + E[Y_i(0)|Z_i = 0]Pr(Z_i=0)\} \end{split} \end{equation}\]

Partial Identification

We can thus partially identify a range of values in which the \(E[\tau_i]\) must be, with almost no assumptions (other than potential outcomes for an individual not affected by treatment assignment of other cases).

These bounds may not be very informative (effect may be positive OR negative).

But we can impose additional assumptions:

  • positive monotonic treatment effects: all \(\tau_i \geq 0\)
  • positive selection: treated units have greater probability of positive effect than untreated units.

These additional assumptions can be translated into (usually tighter) bounds on \(E[\tau_i]\)

Partial Identification

In a sense, there are no “statistics” here, as we don’t appeal to any random variables/stochastic processes.

We algebraically express bounds implied by specific assumptions.

Point Identification

A Digression

Random Variables and Expectations

random variable: a chance procedure for generating a number

observed value (realization): value of a particular draw of a random variable.

Random Variable: Example

Six-sided fair die

  • Equal probability of landing on \(1,2,3,4,5,6\)

  • Imagine the random variable as a box containing all possible values of a die roll on tickets

  • A roll of the die would be a realization

Random Variables: Operations

(1) Arithmetic operations on random variables are new random variables

  • E.g. \(Y * X = Z\); where \(Y\) is \(-1,1\) based on a coin flip and \(X\) is \(1,2,3,4,5,6\) based on die roll.

Random Variables: Expectations

(2) Expected value of a random variable is a number.

  • If \(X\) is a random draw from a box of numbered tickets, then \(E(X)\) is the mean of the tickets in the box
    • \(E(X)\) has minimum distance to all possible values of \(X\)
  • Any realization of the random variable may be above or below the expected value

Independence and Dependence

\(X\) and \(Y\) are random variables.

  • If you know the value of \(X\) and the chances of \(Y\) taking on a specific value depends on that value of \(X\), \(X\) and \(Y\) are dependent
  • If you know the value of \(X\) and the chances of \(Y\) taking on a specific value do not depend on that value of \(X\), \(X\) and \(Y\) are independent

Independence and Dependence

1 1
1 2
1 3
3 1
3 2
3 3

Independence and Dependence

1 1
1 2
1 3
3 2
3 2
3 3

Random Variables Summary:

  • We often have data variables: lists of numbers

  • random variables are chance processes for generating numbers

    • permit us to use observed realizations to draw inferences about the random variable
  • to treat data variables as random variables need to assume a model for random data generating process

Statistics and Parameters

  • Expected value and other attributes of a random variable are parameters/estimands
    • in our examples (e.g. fair die), we have known it
    • usually, we want to estimate it
    • (often greek letters)
  • statistics (e.g., sample mean) are data we observe; if model assumptions hold, let us draw inferences about parameters.
    • (often latin letters or \(\widehat{greek}\))

Statistics and Parameters

If we roll a die \(n\) times and add up spots (\(S_i\)) on each roll \(i\):


Each \(S_i\) is a random variable, as is the sum

Statistics and Parameters

It turns out that:

\[E\left(\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}S_i\right) = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}E\left(S_i\right) = n \cdot 3.5\]

\[\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}E\left(S_i\right) = n \cdot 3.5 \cdot \frac{1}{n}\]

If we roll die \(n\) times and take the mean of spots, it is a random variable. The mean of the \(n\) draws is, in expectation, the mean of the random variable \(S\). AND as \(n\) gets large, sample mean will converge on the mean of \(S\).

Key Takeaway:

We can use repeated observations to estimate parameters of random variable (e.g. expected value).

We did this assuming independent and identically distributed random draws.

Good for rolling dice…

but reality is complicated.

Return to Causal Effects

Average Causal Effects

unit causal effects are fundamentally un-observable, so focus has been on average causal effects (or average treatment effects)

  • For units in \(i = 1 \ldots N\)

\[ACE = \bar{\tau} = \frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{i=1}^N [Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)]\]

  • This parameter takes the difference between two counterfactuals:
    • average outcome of all units if assigned to treatment
    • average outcome of all units if assigned to control

Solving the problem

We have a parameter/estimand (average causal effect) that we would like to know. But data we need is always missing.

Analogical problem to estimating, e.g., population mean (a parameter) without observing the entire population.

  • We want an estimator: mathematical model applied to data we can observe that, with assumptions, estimates our parameter without bias.
  • Use random assignment to solve our problem

Solving the problem

Assuming Random Assignment does two things:

  1. \(Z_i\) is independent of \(Y_i(1)\) and \(Y_i(0)\);
  • treated \(Y(1)\)s comes from same “box” as control \(Y(1)\)s and vice versa.
  1. \(E(Y_i(1))\) and \(E(Y_i(0))\) are random variables
  • we know that expected value of sample is equal to expected value of “box” .

If we randomly sample

parameter: \(ACE = \bar{\tau} = \frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{i=1}^N [Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)]\)

We use the estimator (\(\widehat{ACE}\) or \(\widehat{\bar{\tau}}\)):

\[\normalsize\underbrace{\frac{1}{m}\sum\limits_{i=1}^m}_{\text{Avg. over T}} \overbrace{[Y_i(1) | Z_i = 1]}^{\text{Y(treated) for T}} - \underbrace{\frac{1}{N-m}\sum\limits_{i=m + 1}^N}_{\text{Avg. over C}} \overbrace{[Y_i(0) | Z_i = 0]}^{\text{Y(control) for C}}\]

Where units \(1 \to m\) (group \(T\)) are assigned to treatment \(Z = 1\) and units \((N - m) \to N\) (group \(C\)) assigned to control \(Z = 0\).

Causal Inference Using Statistics

This estimator (\(\widehat{ACE}\)) uses the

  • mean value of \(Y(1)\) for the treatment group (observable) to stand in for mean \(Y(1)\) for all units (unobservable)
  • mean value of \(Y(0)\) for the control group (observable) to stand in for mean \(Y(0)\) for all units (unobservable)

Causal Inference Using Statistics

Because we randomly assign

  1. Expected value of mean for sample in treatment \(E(Y_i(1) | Z = 1)\) equals population mean \(E(Y_i(1))\)
  2. Expected value of mean for sample in control \(E(Y_i(0) | Z = 0)\) equals population mean \(E(Y_i(0))\)
  3. Because sample means are random variables, \(\widehat{ACE}\) in a sample may differ from the parameter \(ACE\).
  4. Across all possible assignments: \(E(ACE) = E(\widehat{ACE})\), thus \(\widehat{ACE}\) is unbiased.


\[ACE =\frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{i=1}^N [Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)]\]

\[ACE =E[Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)]\]

\[ACE =E[Y_i(1)] - E[Y_i(0)]\]

And if \(Z_i\) is randomly assigned:

\[ACE = E[Y_i(1)|Z_i = 1] - E[Y_i(0)|Z_i = 0]\] \[ACE = E(\widehat{ACE})\]

Key Assumptions

For us to get an unbiased estimator of the average causal effect, we use a statistical model that assumes:

  1. Random assignment: units are sample at random (or as if at random) from the study group and assigned to treatment or control (\(Z\) is independent of \(Y(1)\) and \(Y(0)\))
  2. Non-interference/SUTVA: each unit’s outcome depends only on its treatment assignment (not on assignment of others)
  3. Exclusion restriction: treatment assignment only affects outcomes through receipt of treatment

Key Assumptions


  • Only reveals average effect
  • Trade-offs in terms of relevance:
    • does experimental sample reflect population of interest?
    • might there be “general equilibrium effects”?