Michael Weaver

April 5, 2024



  • Perspectives on Uncertainty
  • Review of Sampling Distributions (quick)
  • How we estimate sampling distributions
  • How we use sampling distributions:
    • hypothesis tests
    • confidence intervals
    • equivalence tests

Write down as precisely as possible: how do you interpret the \(p\) values on “beach county”?

Figure 2: This presents coefficient estimates from IVLS regressions of logged or binary riot outcomes on CongSeatShare. Bars represent 95% confidence intervals using robust standard errors clustered at the district level. Saturated or Linear indicates how the control, CongCloseProp, is specified in the model. N for all regressions is 2,871, across 315 districts.

How do you interpret the confidence intervals?


Two perspectives on uncertainty:

  • Bayesian: the parameter (thing we want to estimate) is a random variable. We use data to update/assign probability to values the parameter could take.

  • Frequentist: the parameter is fixed (has some specific true value). The test procedure produces random variables. We use data to assign probabilities to observing certain values using the test procedure.

Focus on Frequentist

  • Need an entire course on Bayesian perspective

    • choice of priors?
    • potential outcomes are not “fixed”, but random variables
  • We mostly use Frequentist approach, for better or worse.


Sampling Distributions (quickly)

Paluck (2010)

Intolerance: “I would not like that group to belong to my community association”; (1 = totally disagree; 4 = totally agree)

\(Region_i\) \(Y_i(1)\) \(Y_i(0)\)
1 3 2
2 4 4
3 4 2
4 2 3
5 2 4
6 4 1

What are the unit treatment effects? (\(\tau_i\))

\(Region_i\) \(Y_i(1)\) \(Y_i(0)\)
1 3 2
2 4 4
3 4 2
4 2 3
5 2 4
6 4 1

What is the Average Causal Effect (\(ACE\))?

\(Region_i\) \(Y_i(1)\) \(Y_i(0)\)
1 3 2
2 4 4
3 4 2
4 2 3
5 2 4
6 4 1

Imagine we run this experiment

  • We set 3 regions in treatment (soap opera + talk show)

  • We set 3 regions in control (soap opera only)

  • How many possible random assignments are there?

  • What are all possible random assignments (to treatment and control)?

    • on paper/in R

For each randomization, calculate the \(\widehat{ACE}\) (hint, express this in fractions \(\frac{x}{3}\))

\(Region_i\) \(Y_i(1)\) \(Y_i(0)\)
1 3 2
2 4 4
3 4 2
4 2 3
5 2 4
6 4 1

Let’s check our work:

Sampling Distribution

This histogram is the exact sampling distribution of the \(\widehat{ACE}\) in this experiment

“You give me the rule, and I consider its latitude for erroneous outputs. We’re actually looking at the probability distribution of the rule, over outcomes in the sample space. This distribution is called a sampling distribution.” (Mayo 2018)

What are the other (counterfactual) outcomes that we could have observed through implementing this procedure/test?

Sampling Distributions

What process produces the sampling distribution?

We want to compare what we observe in our test against what we might have observed, under some assumed data-generating process. This allows us to calibrate the meaningfulness of what we observe against some benchmark.

Sampling Distributions

Hypothesis tests, Confidence intervals, Equivalence tests involve:

  • estimate some parameter/estimand
  • estimate sampling distribution (under an ASSUMED data generating process): we typically estimate standard errors
  • what is probability of observing this estimate, using this process, assuming some true value of the parameter/estimand.

Sampling Distributions

Sampling distributions can only be estimated, only be meaningful, only be used if they emerge from some random/stochastic process.

Typically, we must make assumptions about that random process.

Sampling Distributions

What kinds of assumptions do we make?

First order:

  • what do we want to make inferences about? \(\to\) different SOURCES of randomness \(\to\) different sampling distributions

Second order:

  • at what level of analysis does randomness occur? (at what level are we taking independent draws?) \(\to\) different sampling distributions \(\to\) different estimates

Sampling Distributions

What kinds of assumptions do we make?

Third order:

  • What are the relevant hypotheses to consider?
  • What is the probability density function of the sampling distribution under these different hypotheses? Is it approximately normal? \(\to\) Turn sampling distribution into probability statements about hypotheses.

What is the source of randomness?

In regression context, Abadie et al (2020) describe three possible types of inferences.

Given \(N\) observed cases out of population \(n\), with values \(Y,Z,R\). \(Z\) is either \(1,0\). \(Y(z)\) indicates a potential outcome. \(R\) is \(1,0\) and indicates whether case \(i\) is observed.

  1. Descriptive: difference in mean of \(Y\) across \(Z\): \(E[Y|Z==1] - E[Y|Z==0]\) for the population \(n\).

  2. Causal: mean difference in potential outcomes of \(Y\) across \(Z\): \(E[Y(1) - Y(0)]\) for population \(n\)

  3. Causal-Sample: mean difference in potential outcomes of \(Y\) across \(Z\): \(E[Y(1) - Y(0)]\) for observed sample \(N\)

Only for details:

\[\theta^{descriptive} = \frac{1}{n_1}\sum\limits_i^n Z_iY_i - \frac{1}{n_0}\sum\limits_i^n (1-Z_i)Y_i\]

\[\theta^{causal} = \frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_i^n Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)\]

\[\theta^{causal,sample} = \frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_i^n R_i(Y_i(1) - Y_i(0))\]

Design vs. Sampling Variability

Imagine we want to examine whether contact with refugees increases support for increasing refugee admission to Canada.

To investigate this, we conduct a random sample survey of Canadians where we:

  1. measure (without error) whether they have a refugee neighbor
  2. measure (without error) support for increasing refugee admission rates
  3. have knowledge of random assignment of refugee neighbors (with or without compliance)

Design vs. Sampling Variability

If we want to infer descriptively the difference in mean support for increasing refugee admission rates among those with a refugee neighbor and those without …

  • among All Canadian adults
  • Where does the sampling distribution come from in this case?
  • What happens to the sampling distribution as the number of people surveyed approaches the total population of all Canadians?

Design vs. Sampling Variability

If we want to infer causally the effect of a refugee neighbor on mean support for increasing refugee admission rates…

  • among All Canadian adults
  • Where does the sampling distribution come from in this case?
  • What happens to the sampling distribution as the number of people surveyed approaches the total population of all Canadians?

Design vs. Sampling Variability

If we want to infer causally the effect of a refugee neighbor on mean support for increasing refugee admission rates…

  • among those in the survey
  • Where does the sampling distribution come from in this case?
  • What happens to the sampling distribution as the number of people surveyed approaches the total population of all Canadians?

Design vs. Sampling Variability

Some randomness comes from a random process of sampling cases from a population. As the sample approaches the full population, this variability goes to 0.

Some randomness comes from a random process of realizing some potential outcomes versus other potential outcomes. As the sample approaches the full population, this variability does not approach 0.

Estimating Sampling Distributions

In practice…

we have one realization of the data generation process. We attempt to estimate the sampling distribution of what – counterfactually – would have happened in other applications of this process.

… we claim/argue that data are produced by a random process. In absence of an experiment, or actual random sample, we must be careful in making this argument.

… absent random-assignment, we implicitly invoke as-if random assignment (given conditional independence).

Estimating Standard Errors

Estimating Sampling Distributions

Good news: there are good default choices for all three scenarios that we can use to estimate standard error (standard deviation of sampling distribution)

Bad news: these estimated standard errors are conservative (too big)

If you want to do better than default choices, the estimators can get more complicated. So many possible choices.

Estimating Sampling Distributions

When we estimate sampling distributions, ask:

  • Does this SE estimator correspond to the estimand of interest? (causal, descriptive)
  • Does this estimator reflect the level at which observations are produced independently though random process? (units, clusters, spatial, etc.)
  • Does my application meet requirements for asymptotic properties of estimator to apply?
    • standard errors invoke asymptotic consistency under specified conditions (how many observations/clusters/etc)
    • application of standard errors appeals to asymptotic normality

SE\(s\) with Least Squares

To understand SEs in least squares, we need to introduce a statistical model.

\[Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 D_i + \beta_2 X_i + \epsilon_i\]

This is the population model:

  • if we are making a descriptive inference, it tells us the coefficients we would get if we could run least squares on the entire population of interest.

  • if we are making a causal inference, it tells us the coefficients we would get if we could observe all potential outcomes for all cases (in the sample, or population, depending).

SE\(s\) with Least Squares

To understand SEs in least squares, we need to introduce a statistical model.

\[Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 D_i + \beta_2 X_i + \epsilon_i\]

This is the population model:

  • We’ve seen some of this (\(Y\), and \(\beta\)) before. What is this \(\epsilon_i\)?

\({n.b.:}\) We do not need to assume the that true relationship between \(D\) and \(Y\) is linear. \(\beta_1\) is just the average partial derivative/best linear approximation of the (possibly non-linear) CEF.

SE\(s\) with Least Squares

\[Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 D_i + \beta_2 X_i + \epsilon_i\]

Typically, regression standard errors are taught by thinking of \(\epsilon_i\) as a random error pulled out of a box.

  • In what way is \(\epsilon_i\) a “random error”?

\(\epsilon\) as Design-based Error

We start with (both) potential outcomes in a “switching” equation:

\[Y_i = (1-D_i)Y_i(0) + D_iY_i(1)\]

\[Y_i = Y_i(0) - D_iY_i(0) + D_iY_i(1)\]

\[Y_i = Y_i(0) + D_i[Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)]\]

\[Y_i = Y_i(0) + D_i\underbrace{\tau_i}_{\text{unit causal effect}}\]

\[Y_i = Y_i(0) + D_i\underbrace{\tau_i}_{\text{unit causal effect}}\]

\[Y_i = E[Y(0)] + D_i\tau_i + \overbrace{(Y_i(0)-E[Y(0)])}^{i\text{'s deviation from mean }Y(0)}\]

\[Y_i = E[Y(0)] + D_iE[\tau] + \nu_i + D_i\overbrace{(\tau_i - E[\tau])}^{i\text{'s deviation from mean }\tau}\]

\[Y_i = \beta_0 + D_i\beta_1 + \overbrace{\nu_i + D_i\eta_i}^{i\text{'s deviation from }E[Y|D]}\]

\[Y_i = \beta_0 + D_i\beta_1 + \epsilon_i\]

\(\epsilon\) as Design-based Error

\(\epsilon_i\) is a random error in the following sense:

  • error: individual deviations (heterogeneity) from mean \(Y(0)\) and mean \(\tau\). (Also note: because of this, \(E[\epsilon_i] = 0\))
  • random: \(\epsilon\) differs as a function of (as-if) random process of assigning treatment (value is different when \(D_i = 0\) vs \(D_i = 1\))

\(\epsilon\) as Sampling-based Error

\[Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 D_i + \beta_2 X_i + \epsilon_i\]

When we see errors arising from sampling: \(\beta_0\), \(\beta_1\), \(\beta_2\) are the the coefficients we would observe if we did this regression for the whole population.

\(\epsilon_i\) is the prediction error for individual \(i\) from this population model. It is a random variable in the sense that only \(\epsilon_i\) varies from case to case, and by randomly sampling individuals, we randomly sample \(\epsilon_i\).

SEs with Least Squares

Whether we have random variability induced by design or sampling, we can’t directly observe our vector of coefficients \(\pmb{\beta}\).

But we can estimate it:

\[\pmb{\widehat{\beta}} = (\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X})^{-1}\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{Y}\]

  • Note: \(\pmb{\widehat{\beta}}\) is a random vector; each element is a random variable. Why?

\(Y_i = \pmb{X_i\beta} + \epsilon_i\)

\(\epsilon_i\) is random variable.

If we were to repeat the drawing of \(\epsilon\) again - a different sample, a different (as-if) randomization - we would get different estimates: \(\pmb{\widehat{\beta}}\).

This gives rise to a sampling distribution for \(\pmb{\widehat{\beta}}\).

  • this sampling distribution can be characterized by a standard error
  • because least squares is extension of the mean (a function of sums), CLT \(\implies\) asymptotic normality as \(n \to \infty\)

SE\(s\) with Least Squares

  • Each element of \(\pmb{\widehat{\beta}}_{p \times 1}\) is a random variable
    • each \(\widehat{\beta}_p\) has a variance
    • and a covariance with other \(\widehat{\beta}_{q\neq p}\)
  • These variances and covariances are found in the variance-covariance matrix of \(\pmb{\widehat{\beta}}\)
    • a \(p \times p\) matrix
    • Diagonal elements are the variances for \(\widehat{\beta}_{1} \dots \widehat{\beta}_p\)
    • off-diagonal elements are covariances; (joint sampling distributions)
    • matrix is symmetric

Variance-Covariance Matrix

\[\scriptsize{\begin{pmatrix} Var(\widehat{\beta}_1) & Cov(\widehat{\beta}_1,\widehat{\beta}_2) & Cov(\widehat{\beta}_1,\widehat{\beta}_3) &\ldots & Cov(\widehat{\beta}_1,\widehat{\beta}_p) \\ Cov(\widehat{\beta}_2,\widehat{\beta}_1) & Var(\widehat{\beta}_2) & Cov(\widehat{\beta}_2,\widehat{\beta}_3) & \ldots & Cov(\widehat{\beta}_2,\widehat{\beta}_p) \\ Cov(\widehat{\beta}_3,\widehat{\beta}_1) & Cov(\widehat{\beta}_3,\widehat{\beta}_2) & Var(\widehat{\beta}_3) & \ldots & Cov(\widehat{\beta}_3,\widehat{\beta}_p) \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ Cov(\widehat{\beta}_p,\widehat{\beta}_1) & Cov(\widehat{\beta}_p,\widehat{\beta}_2) & Cov(\widehat{\beta}_p, \widehat{\beta}_3) & \ldots & Var(\widehat{\beta}_p)\end{pmatrix}}\]

SEs with Least Squares

How do we use the variance-covariance matrix?

  • The square-root of diagonal elements (variances) gives standard error for each estimate in \(\pmb{\widehat{\beta}}\) (hypothesis testing, confidence intervals)

  • The off-diagonal elements can help answer: \(\beta_2 + \beta_3 \neq 0\). We need \(Cov(\beta_2, \beta_3)\) to get \(Var(\beta_2 + \beta_3)\). (complex hypothesis testing, e.g. interaction effects )

Variance-Covariance Matrix

Because we only observe one realization of the data generating process, we cannot observe the sampling distribution(s) that are described by this variance-covariance matrix.

We must estimate it.

Commonly we use an analytic approach. (An equation we can use to estimate)

A derivation (only the endpoint is necessary)

\(\pmb{\widehat{\beta}} = \pmb{\beta} + (\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X})^{-1}\mathbf{X}'\epsilon\), So:

\[cov(\pmb{\widehat{\beta}}|X) = E((\pmb{\widehat{\beta}} - \pmb{\beta})(\pmb{\widehat{\beta}} - \pmb{\beta})' | X)\]

\[ = E( ((\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X})^{-1} \mathbf{X}'\epsilon)((\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X})^{-1} \mathbf{X}'\epsilon)' | X)\]

\[ = E( ((\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X})^{-1}\mathbf{X}'\epsilon)(\epsilon'\mathbf{X}(\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X})^{-1}) | X)\]

\[ = (\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X})^{-1}\mathbf{X}'E(\epsilon\epsilon'|X)\mathbf{X}(\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X})^{-1}\]

What really matters here is: \(E(\epsilon\epsilon'|X)\)

Variance-Covariance Matrix

All analytic variance-covariance matrix estimators are “sandwiches”:

\[ (\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X})^{-1}\mathbf{X}'E(\epsilon\epsilon'|X)\mathbf{X}(\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X})^{-1}\]

\((\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X})^{-1}\mathbf{X}'\) is the “bread”; \(E(\epsilon\epsilon'|X)\) is the “meat”.

The bread is always the same. As we change assumptions about the random process, we make different choices of “meat”. (Insert your own charcuterie analogy here)

Variance-Covariance Matrix

In groups: if \(\epsilon\) is a vector that is \(n \times 1\) with elements \((\epsilon_1 \ldots \epsilon_n)\).

  1. What are the dimensions of the result of this calculation: \(\epsilon\epsilon'\)?

  2. What are the elements on the diagonal? (What value do they take - in terms of \(\epsilon_i\)?)

  3. What is the expected value of the elements on the off-diagonal

Hints: We have assumed that \(\epsilon_i\) are independent of each other. And by design, in the population model, \(E[\epsilon_i] = 0\)

Variance-Covariance Matrix

  • If \(i \neq j\), the elements of the matrix are \(\epsilon_i\epsilon_j\). Because, by assumption, \(E[\epsilon_i] = 0\), this is the same as \((\epsilon_i - E[\epsilon_i])(\epsilon_j - E[\epsilon_j])\): a covariance. Because \(\epsilon\)s are independent, \(E[\epsilon_i\epsilon_j] = E[\epsilon_i]E[\epsilon_j] = 0 \times 0 = 0\)
  • but, for \(i = j\), \(\epsilon_i^2 = (\epsilon_i - E[\epsilon_i])^2\) (a variance)

Variance-Covariance Matrix

Because we don’t observe \(\epsilon_i\), we have to estimate them by plugging in residuals.

\[\hat{\epsilon_i} = e_i = Y_i - \mathbf{X_i\widehat{\pmb\beta}}\] where \(\mathbf{X_i}\) is the full design matrix, including \(D_i\)

Robust Standard Errors:

If we plug in \(e_i^2\) in for \(\epsilon\epsilon'\), we get:

Eicker-Huber-White SE estimator: often called the “robust” standard errors. They are “robust” in the sense that they make no assumption about the \(\epsilon_i\) other than that they are independent.

  • \(ehw\) SEs are conservative or just right for sampling or design-based variability.

(Return to matrix on Board)

Robust Standard Errors:

These should be our default standard errors (see Aronow and Miller pp. 153-154)

  • but lm, most software does not give you these standard errors.

The \(ehw\) SE estimator generates estimates, not miracles.

  • only applies if assumptions are correct, asymptotic properties “kick in”
  • this estimator is not unbiased but consistent are \(n \to \infty\)
  • If \(n\) is too small, \(ehw\) SEs can be too small (see Angrist and Pischke section )

Robust Standard Errors:

The “robust” SE estimators come in other flavors, with different asymptotic properties

  • \(ehw\) is “HC0”, but there are HC1, HC2, HC3, HC4, HC5.
  • \(HC0\) and \(HC1\) work best if \(N >> 200\)
  • \(HC3\) works if \(N > 30\) (should be default, but doesn’t always compute)

In “ordinary” least squares (OLS) we assume:

\(\epsilon_i\) are independent and identically distributed. That is, they come from a single distribution with the same variance.

  • heteroskedasticity vs homoskedasticity
  • In the “meat” matrix, off-diagonals are still \(0\) by assumed independence.
  • But assume \(\epsilon_i\) are identically distributed, so \(Var(\epsilon_i) = \sigma^2\) for all \(\epsilon_i\). Estimate \(\widehat\sigma^2 = Var(e_i)\), plug in \(\widehat\sigma^2\) on diagonal.

These are the default standard errors in lm, most software.

note on multi-collinearity

Robust Standard Errors:

In R:

  • sandwich package (to get robust errors)
  • lmtest package
  • fixest package
  • pass standard errors to table-making package

Robust Standard Errors:

In R:

  1. Estimate your model
  2. Plug model into robust variance-covariance estimator (usually vcovHC from sandwich package)

3a. Take sqrt of diagonal, manually.

3b. In “pretty” format using coeftest from lmtest package, or in modelsummary tables.

Robust Standard Errors:

  1. copy this data: https://pastebin.com/BDTKcKyC
  2. create enlist_rate = veterans/mil_age
  3. Regress suff65_yes on enlist_rate, suff57_yes, and state.
  4. Use the vcovHC function in the sandwich package to get the HC0 vcov matrix (call it vcov_hc0)
  5. Use the vcovHC function in the sandwich package to get the HC3 vcov matrix (call it vcov_hc3).
  6. Use diag and sqrt to get the robust standard errors
  7. Compare homoskedastic to HC0 and HC3 standard errors for enlist_rate.
#1: Estimate OLS / conventional Standard Errors
lm_suff = lm(suff65_yes ~ enlist_rate + suff57_yes + state, 
             data = veterans)

#2: Estimate robust variance covariance matrix:
vcov_robust = vcovHC(lm_suff, type = "HC3")

#3: SE
vcov_robust %>% diag %>% sqrt
##    (Intercept)    enlist_rate     suff57_yes stateWISCONSIN 
##     0.03195070     0.08571651     0.08612007     0.02838870
#coeftest(lm_suff, vcov. = vcov_robust)

Or, you can make nice looking tables more easily…

modelsummary(lm_suff, vcov = c('classical', paste0("HC", 0:3)), 
             gof_omit = 'Log.Lik.|F|AIC|BIC|Adj', 
             stars = T)
 (1)   (2)   (3)   (4)   (5)
(Intercept) 0.405*** 0.405*** 0.405*** 0.405*** 0.405***
(0.027) (0.029) (0.030) (0.030) (0.032)
enlist_rate 0.274*** 0.274*** 0.274*** 0.274*** 0.274**
(0.070) (0.077) (0.078) (0.081) (0.086)
suff57_yes 0.561*** 0.561*** 0.561*** 0.561*** 0.561***
(0.056) (0.080) (0.081) (0.083) (0.086)
stateWISCONSIN −0.270*** −0.270*** −0.270*** −0.270*** −0.270***
(0.024) (0.027) (0.027) (0.028) (0.028)
Num.Obs. 130 130 130 130 130
R2 0.532 0.532 0.532 0.532 0.532
Std.Errors IID HC0 HC1 HC2 HC3
+ p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

Robust Standard Errors:

We should default to them.

  • May be conservative (especially if estimand is descriptive, as sample approaches population)
  • but with smaller \(n\) maybe biased
  • In practice, always a good idea to check conventional and robust standard error in different flavors. Be specific in reporting which robust error estimators you use.

Different Standard Errors

Different Sampling Distributions

We obtain \(ehw\) standard errors when potential outcomes/sampling processes are random and independent.

What if there is dependence in the \(\epsilon_i\)?

Clustered Standard Errors:

There are estimators for standard errors for situations in which errors are not independent of each other across observations:

  • Recall the experiment by Paluck from earlier: villages were assigned to treatment, but villagers were her unit of analysis.
  • Likely to be similarities in the \(\tau_i\) or \(Y_i(0)\) among people from the same village. The \(\epsilon_i\) we get for people in the same village are not independent of each other.

Clustered Standard Errors:

Ignoring dependence of errors usually underestimates sampling variability of an estimator.

  • Luckily we have a solution: change the “meat” in our variance-covariance matrix.

Clustered Standard Errors:

Extends robust standard errors:

Allows for arbitrary correlation of errors within groups

  • could be same unit OVER time;
  • could be different units AT THE SAME time;
  • could be both!

…by permitting off-diagonal covariance \(\epsilon_i\epsilon_j\) to be non-zero for \(i \neq j\) but \(i\) and \(j\) are part of the same “cluster”. (to the board)

Clustered Standard Errors:

Similar to \(ehw\) standard errors…

  • we plug in the values of \(e_i\) for \(\epsilon_i\).
  • biased but consistent as number of clusters gets larger. Usually needs tens of clusters (~40 +), if clusters are of similar size
  • if we have imbalanced cluster sizes, few clusters, special alternatives estimators might be needed.

Clustered Standard Errors:

Unlike \(ehw\) standard errors…

  • Clustered standard errors can drastically change the standard error estimates.
  • Sometimes they are smaller, because errors are negatively related within groups.

Clustered Standard Errors:

In R: many options:

  1. felm in lfe extends lm for panel models and includes clustering options
  2. feols in fixest includes clustering options
  3. sandwich: (finally!) has clustered errors options
  4. Can also bootstrap them: multiwayvcov

Clustered Standard Errors:


m = feols(suff65_yes ~ enlist_rate + suff57_yes  | state, 
          cluster = ~ state, 
          data = veterans) 
 (1)   (2)   (3)
enlist_rate 0.274*** 0.274*** 0.274+
(0.070) (0.077) (0.027)
suff57_yes 0.561*** 0.561*** 0.561
(0.056) (0.080) (0.090)
Num.Obs. 130 130 130
R2 0.532 0.532 0.532
Std.Errors IID HC0 by: state
+ p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

Standard Errors are way smaller (but, with 2 clusters, not reliable!)

Clustered Standard Errors:

Many specific features of these estimators to pay attention to:

Cameron and Miller (2015)

When should we use clustering? Abadie et al (2023)

  • level at which “treatment” assigned/level at which sampling is conducted
  • level at which plausible spatial or temporal autocorrelation of errors


  • aggregate data within clusters, use \(ehw\)

Spatial Standard Errors:

What if treatment \(D\) is a function of spatial distance to something (e.g., Kumbh Mela)?

  • Potential outcomes of \(Y(0)\) and \(Y(1)\) may be correlated between nearby units \(\implies\) dependence in errors
  • Conley Standard Errors permit non-zero covariances of \(\epsilon\) in “meat” matrix for observations within some spatial distance.

More details

The Bootstrap

All sandwich based estimates of standard errors appeal to asymptotic consistency and normality to approximate sampling distribution of \(\widehat{\beta}\)

The bootstrap takes a different approach:

  • Simulate sampling distribution directly by resampling observed cases
  • Still relies on assumptions about consistency, but not normality
  • many different flavors

more bootstrap details/practice

Estimating Standard Errors

There are many choice to make, constant updates to best practices.

Keep in mind:

  • at what level is there independence of errors (assignment to treatment, sampling into data)?
  • does my data fit the requirements for this estimator to have desired properties?
  • if the “right” choice isn’t obvious, try all “plausible” options.
  • you might need to look up what the best option is for your application


Hypothesis tests: Hypotheses

We evaluate hypotheses (claims) about some parameter of interest (e.g. \(\beta_D\)).

  • in pairs with a null hypothesis and some alternative hypothesis about the parameter. (complements: if one is true the other must be false, so cover the entire set of possible values of the parameter)
  • It is common (but not required) for the null hypothesis to be stated in terms of \(0\):

\(H_0: \beta <= 0; H_a: \beta > 0\) one-sided

\(H_0: \beta >= 0; H_a: \beta < 0\) one-sided

\(H_0: \beta = 0; H_a: \beta \neq 0\) two-sided

Hypothesis tests: test statistic

Using our estimated standard error and (unless we bootstrap) an appeal to the central limit theorem, we approximate the sampling distribution of a test statistic assuming the null hypothesis is true

  • typically, we use a \(t\) statistic when working with means. Other comparisons may require different test statistics.
  • we assume that the true \(\beta = 0\) (or whatever is implied by the null) and then construct the sampling distribution of \(\frac{\hat{\beta} - 0}{\widehat{SE}[\hat{\beta}]}\)

Hypothesis tests: \(p\) value

\(p\) value tells us how likely we are to observe the data, assuming the null hypothesis is correct.

  • it is the probability of observing something as extreme as the data or more, assuming the null is true.
  • The calculation of probability depends on asymptotic normality.

Hypothesis tests: \(p\) value

Hypothesis tests: significance level

We want to either reject the null hypothesis as False (and thus accept the alternative hypothesis as True) or not reject the null hypothesis.

  • since we can not know for sure whether it is true or false, we choose some probability (\(p\) value), below which, we arbitrarily decide that the null hypothesis can be rejected.

  • \(\alpha\) is the threshold which gives us the significance level, and decision rule for rejecting the null.

Hypothesis tests: rejecting the null

Because the null hypothesis is always either True or False, our decision to reject the null based on some probability threshold (\(\alpha\)) may be correct or an error.

  • Type I error: false positive. We incorrectly reject the null
  • Type II error: false negative. We incorrectly fail to reject the null

With a single test, the \(p\) value can be interpreted as the false positive rate of this test procedure using that value as \(\alpha\). If we use \(\alpha=.05\), we are saying that we are comfortable with our testing procedure making false positive errors in no more than 5% of tests.

Hypothesis tests: rejecting the null

  • If we say, “The result is significantly different from the hypothesized value of zero (\(p=.001\))! We reject that hypothesis!” when the truth is zero we are making a false positive error (claiming to detect something positively when there is no signal, only noise).

  • If we say, “We cannot distinguish this result from zero (\(p=.3\)). We cannot reject the hypothesis of zero.” when the truth is not zero we are making a false negative error (claiming inability to detect something when there is a signal, but it is overwhelmed by noise.)

Hypothesis tests: Warnings

Hypothesis tests can be useful for learning, if used appropriately.

  • \(p\)-values indicate probability of false positive in a single test. If you conduct many tests they no longer have the same interpretation. (Multiple hypotheses require adjustments)
  • \(p\)-values will get smaller, when \(n\) gets large. They do not indicate the magnitude of the effect.
  • absence of evidence \(\neq\) evidence of absence: failing to reject the null does not mean the null is true. Your test may be under-powered.
  • null hypotheses should be meaningful with respect to theory.

Confidence Intervals

Confidence intervals summarize a group of hypothesis tests.

  • Imagine an infinite number of hypothesis tests, where the \(H_0: \beta = b\) and \(b \in (-\infty,\infty)\).
  • For each null hypothesis, we conduct a hypothesis test using the cutoff \(\alpha\) to decide on rejecting the null.
  • Then a \(100(1-\alpha)\)% confidence interval is the set of values in \(b\) where we fail to reject the null.

So a 95% confidence interval contains all values \(b\) where we fail to reject the null with \(\alpha = 0.05\).

Confidence Intervals

Because confidence intervals invert hypothesis tests, they are the product of the random process. They either do or do not include the true parameter value.

The correct way to interpret them is:

confidence intervals drawn using this procedure for this data generation process have a certain probability of containing the parameter value. A 95% confidence interval has a true positive rate of 95% (false positive rate of 5%).

Confidence Intervals

  • If \(N\) is relatively large, we can approximate at 95% CI with \(\widehat{\beta} \pm 2\times\widehat{SE}(\hat\beta)\)
  • If \(N\) is smaller, need to find out the \(t\) value associated with your \(\alpha\) and degrees of freedom (\(n - p\), \(n\) is observations (w/ clusters you have to make a correction) and \(p\) is coefficients in the model.)
  • Or use the tidy function in the broom package, make your own plot.

(there are packages to automatically plot coefficients CI, but I would recommend against them - they are pretty inflexible).

Equivalence Tests

Sometimes we need to specify different null hypotheses:

  • In a difference-in-difference we want to show that there are no meaningful differences in trends between treated and untreated cases prior to treatmeant (evidence in favor of parallel trends assumption)
  • In a natural experiment, we want to show that there are no meaningful differences between treated and untreated cases on variables that could be confounders (evidence in favor of as-if random assignment process).

Equivalence Tests

In these cases, we want to find evidence that the true difference is \(0\).

If we use the conventional hypothesis test where \(H_0: \beta = 0\), the \(p\) values indicate the false positive rate of rejecting the null when in truth there is no difference.

But in this instance, we are concerned about the false negatives.

We don’t want a test that stacks the deck in favor of our hypothesis.

Equivalence Tests

Analogous to this situation:

We want a COVID test that we plan to use as evidence that we don’t have COVID and so can safely spend time with immunocompromised people.

But the COVID test we use has been designed to minimize false positives.

What could go wrong?

  • Worst case scenario, the “test” is just a piece of paper. 0% false positive rate but 100% false negative rate.

Equivalence Tests

To solve this problem and get useful \(p\) values, we can transform this into an equivalence test. We transform the null hypothesis.

Let us assume that there is some level of imbalance that we consider negligible, lets call that \(\delta\).

Our new null hypothesis is:

\(H_{01}: \beta <= -\delta\) OR \(H_{02}: \beta >= \delta\)

That is, two one-sided tests (TOST).

Equivalence Tests


If the probability of observing \(\hat{\beta}\) under both null hypotheses is less that \(\alpha\) we can reject the null, and then accept the alternative:

\(H_1: -\delta < \beta < \delta\): the true parameter is within some acceptable distance to \(0\).

TOST visualization

Equivalence Tests

These tests can be conducted in R using:

  • TOSTER packages
  • equivalence_test in parameters package

These tests can be inverted to get confidence intervals (range of values for \(delta\) which cannot be rejected at \(\alpha\))

These tests require, in addition to everything else:

  • specifying what range of values counts as “practical equivalence” (\(-\delta,\delta\))
  • this requires justification, though there are standard recommendations for particular applications (natural experiments, difference in difference)


Need to know how likely we are to observe an effect, even if there is no true effect.

This requires:

  • correctly characterizing random process generating sampling distribution
  • using appropriate estimators to estimate standard error of this distribution
  • (usually) invoking asymptotic normality (CLT) of sampling distribution
  • specifying the relevant null hypothesis, getting \(p\) values, rejecting or not rejecting the null.
  • correct implementation, careful interpretation


Standard Errors of \(\widehat{\beta_p}\)

The variance (\(p\)th diagonal element of \(\widehat{cov}(\widehat{\beta})\)) is

\(\widehat{Var}(\hat{\beta_p}) = \frac{\hat{\sigma^2}}{nVar(X_p^*)}\)

The numerator will shift as a function of the “meat” in the variance-covariance estimator we choose. But the denominator is a function of the “bread”.

  • variance/standard errors get smaller (more precise): with growing \(n\), increased (residual) variation in \(X_p\)

This has implications for “multicollinearity” as a problem.

Standard Errors and Collinearity

Least squares requires linear independence of columns in design matrix.

When columns in \(\pmb{X}\) approach linear dependence (they are nearly perfectly linearly correlated) there can be two “problems” that arise.

  1. If two variables are highly correlated, then \(Var(X_p^*) \to 0\), because \(X_p\) is nearly perfectly predicted by some other variable in \(\pmb{X}\). This means that \(\widehat{Var}(\hat{\beta_p}) \to \infty\), because it is calculated with \(Var(X_p^*)\) in the denominator.
  • This is not a “bias” - the increasing variance is the result of having too little information in \(X_p^*\) to draw an inference about its relationship with \(Y\).

Standard Errors and Collinearity

Least squares requires linear independence of columns in design matrix.

When columns in \(\pmb{X}\) approach linear dependence (they are nearly perfectly linearly correlated) there can be two “problems” that arise.

\(2.\) If the correlation is very close to \(1,-1\) then there can be numerical instability in computer calculations of coefficients. This is a problem, but occurs only at very high correlations, usually R will let you know.

The Bootstrap

Simulate sampling distribution

  • Draw new “samples” from your data to simulate “draws from the population”
  • Estimate \(\widehat{\beta}\)
  • Repeat
  • Calculate standard deviation/calculate coverage quantiles.


  1. Set k = 1000
  2. Generate
bs = data.frame(i = rep(NA, k), beta_hat = rep(NA, k))
  1. for loop from 1:k.
  2. In each iteration, sample with replacement from 1:nrow(veterans) to create bs_idx
  3. Create data_bs = veterans[bs_idx, ]
  4. Estimate
m = lm(suff65_yes ~ enlist_rate + suff57_yes + state, 
    data = data_bs)
  1. Set bs_out[k, ] = c(k, coef(m)[2])


  1. Calculate sd of bs_out$beta_hat.
  2. Calculate
  probs = c(0.025,0.975))
  1. Plot hist(bs_out$bs_hat)