name: inverse layout: true class: center, middle, inverse --- #Publicity and the Delegitimation of Lynching Michael Weaver The University of British Columbia October 17, 2018 --- -- ##Societies accept or tolerate some forms of violence while rejecting others. --- ###Domestic violence ###Dueling ###Police use of force -- ##How does violence become publicly unacceptable? --- ##Lynching in the United States --- template:inverse ###Rebecca Felton, suffragette:
--- layout:false class: left, middle > "**I led the mob** which lynched Nelse Patton and **I'm proud of it**. I directed every movement of the mob. **I wanted him lynched**. I saw his body dangling from a tree this morning, and I am glad of it. **I aroused the mob and directed them to storm the jail**. I had my revolver but did not use it. I gave it to a deputy sheriff and **told him to shoot** Patton and shoot to kill." >> ### William V. Sullivan, former United States Senator, Mississippi --- template:inverse ### South Carolina Governor Coleman Blease:
--- template:inverse
--- template:inverse --- template:inverse
--- template:inverse
*New York Age* 1/17/1931 --- template:inverse
*The Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune* 1/15/1931 --- template:inverse ## How did this transformation take place? --- .left-column[ ##Outline ] .right-column[ ### Publicity ### Lynching ### Historical "Big Data" ### Results ] --- template:inverse ##The argument --- .left-column[ ##Argument ### Violence ] .right-column[ ### Most Violence is "Moral" - (Black 1983, Fiske and Rai 2014) ### Which violence gets to be "legitimate" in a context/locally? ] --- .left-column[ ##Argument ### Violence ] .right-column[ ### Which violence is legitimated (locally)? #### Motive Perpetrators/Victim/Audience #### Opportunity Who has means to frame? - diagnostic/ prognostic framing Who has means to deny framing to others? What are the costs of framing? ] --- .left-column[ ##Argument ### Violence ] .right-column[ ### Violence is publicly legitimated... ##### When perpetrators are powerful. #### 1. Able to frame violence #### 2. Critics coerced into silence #### 3. Challengers face reputational costs #### 4. May be self-reinforcing dynamic - Determine both "facts" and norms ### How can this dynamic be challenged? ] --- template:inverse ## Publicity Shocks --- .left-column[ ##Argument ### Violence ### Publicity ] .right-column[ ### Reach *Geographic scope of audience* When it expands: * New audiences not share local norms on violence .red.bold[*] * Critics not silenced ### Inclusivity *Inclusion of different voices in public debate* When it expands: * Victims and allies no longer silent .red.bold[*] * 'Facts' and justifications around violence contested * **Enabled** by *reach* .footnote[.red.bold[*] See, e.g. Keck and Sikkink 1998] ] --- .left-column[ ##Argument ### Violence ### Publicity ] .right-column[ ### Expanded publicity can #### *Challenge hegemonic local pro-violence discourse* ### and under [some conditions](#conditions): #### *Increase reputational costs to violence* #### *Lead to local efforts to stop violence* ] --- template:inverse ##Lynching and Publicity -- ### Local critics silenced, but... --- .left-column[ ##Argument ###Definitions ###Publicity ###Lynching] .right-column[ ###1. Increase in publicity * Technology + Economic/Political Integration `\(\rightarrow\)` greater reach * Reach + activists `\(\rightarrow\)` inclusion of black voices ] --- template:inverse
--- template:inverse
"The negroes must have detectives who can go and find out the facts about each lynching and publish them side by side with the versions printed in the Southern newspapers" --- .left-column[##Argument ###Definitions ###Publicity ###Lynching] .right-column[ ###1. Increase in publicity * Technology + Economic/Political Integration `\(\rightarrow\)` greater reach * Reach + activists `\(\rightarrow\)` inclusion of black voices ###2. Publicity breeds criticism and scandal ] --- template:inverse
Threatened by Wells's publicity campaign --- class: left, middle > ##### "The Chattanooga News does not lift its voice in behalf of Sheriff Shipp, his deputies or any member of the mob that lynched Johnson. Its **voice is merely raised in behalf of this community.** It submits that even so high and mighty a person as the Attorney General of the United States **has not just cause to hold this community up in contempt of the world** and in effect **publish it abroad as lawless** and firmly set **against the enforcement of law.**" >> "An Official in Contempt of Chattanooga," *The Chattanooga News* --- .left-column[##Argument ###Definitions ###Publicity ###Lynching] .right-column[ ###1. Increase in publicity * Technology + Economic/Political Integration `\(\rightarrow\)` greater reach * Reach + activists `\(\rightarrow\)` inclusion of black voices ###2. Publicity breeds criticism and scandal ###3. Bad publicity turns Southern elites against lynching ] --- template:inverse
"our lynching reputation ... is holding the state back in its development." --- .left-column[##Argument ###Definitions ###Publicity ###Lynching] .right-column[ ###1. Increase in publicity * Technology + Economic/Political Integration `\(\rightarrow\)` greater reach * Reach + activists `\(\rightarrow\)` inclusion of black voices ###2. Publicity breeds criticism and scandal ###3. Bad publicity turns Southern elites against lynching ###4. With opposition of local elites, lynching declines ] --- template:inverse --- template:inverse ## Testing the Argument --- .left-column[ ## Testing ### Reach ] .right-column[ ## In the late 19th century ### US saw massive expansion of... ] --- template:inverse ## Rail Networks
--- template:inverse class: center, middle ## Telegraph
--- .left-column[ ## Testing ###Reach ] .right-column[ ### ... which made the country smaller - ##### reduced travel times for people and information - ##### created a public demand for national news ### Events could have *national* reach ] --- .left-column[ ## Testing ### Reach ] .right-column[ ### But, emergence of a national public sphere... - ##### many structural causes, highly endogenous - ##### monotonic growth ### Cannot use *national* variation ] --- .left-column[ ## Testing ### Reach ] .right-column[ ### ***Local* exposure** to publicity grew **uneven**ly ##### Differential access to communication technology ### `\(\xrightarrow{implies}\)` ##### Differential exposure to new publicity ### What are observable implications at **subnational** level? ] --- .left-column[ ## Testing ### Reach ] .right-column[ ### Four implications of the argument ##### Access determines reach ##### The **probability** that a **lynching is reported:** ##### (1) **increases** as travel times **decrease** between the lynching and the paper. ##### (2) **increases** when the lynching occurred in an area more **central in communication and transportation networks**. ] --- .left-column[ ## Testing ### Reach ] .right-column[ ### Four implications of the argument ##### Greater reach yields criticism, fewer lynchings. ##### **Coverage** of lynching is **more critical**: ##### (3) as the **distance** from the lynching to the newspaper **increases**. ##### Lynching **declines faster**: ##### (4) in places with **more exposure** to national public sphere ] --- template:inverse ##The data --- template:inverse ## "Reach" of Publicity --- template:inverse
--- name:newspaper_data .left-column[ ##Data ###Newspapers ] .right-column[ ###"Big data" meets history * Digital newspapers archives * More than 3,000 different papers * **National**, though **uneven** coverage * Big-city dailies, small town weeklies * 9 million+ issues between [1880 and 1940](#digitization_time) * Searchable content * 1.2 million articles mention "lynching" * Words/phrases for [lynching discourse](#discourse_measure) ] --- Digitized Newspaper Issues by State
--- template:inverse ## Communication Networks --- class:center, middle
--- .left-column[ ##Data ###Newspapers ###Railroads ] .right-column[ ###Railroad networks Yearly data from 1880 and 1900 * Period of rapid growth (more than doubles) * Network centrality of counties * Travel time between counties * Proxy for telegraph network ] --- template:inverse ## Lynching Events --- .left-column[ ##Data ###Newspapers ###Railroads ###Lynchings ] .right-column[ ###Lynching events * 1880 to 1930s, ~ 4000 *reported* events * Sources: * Historians, Sociologists * NAACP * Chicago Tribune ] --- template:inverse ##Analysis --- .left-column[ ## Analysis ### Reach ] .right-column[ ### Four implications of the argument ##### Access determines reach ##### The **probability** that a **lynching is reported:** ##### ![check][] (1) **increases** as travel times **decrease** between the lynching and the paper. ##### ![check][] (2) **increases** when the lynching occurred in an area more **central in communication and transportation networks**. ] [check]:./check-mark-3-24.png --- .left-column[ ## Analysis ### Reach ] .right-column[ ### Observations * **all issues** appearing **within a week** of a lynching * **Issue - lynching dyads** * **Coverage**: lynching mentioned ### Design * **Panel analysis**, clustered errors * Year, publication, lynching county fixed effects * Publication-county, lynching-county covariates ] --- class: center, middle Probability of lynching coverage by railroad travel time (Residual)
--- class: center, middle ### Effects of Betweenness Centrality on Pr(Mention)
--- .left-column[ ## Analysis ### Reach ] .right-column[ ### Effects **not explained** by: * National trends in rail network *and* newspaper coverage (Year FE) * Some counties attract railroads *and* newspaper coverage (County FE/Covariates) * Endogenous placement of railroads ] --- .left-column[ ## Analysis ### Reach ### Criticism ] .right-column[ ### Four implications of the argument ##### Greater reach yields criticism, fewer lynchings. ##### **Coverage** of lynching is **more critical**: ##### ![check][] (3) as the **distance** from the lynching to the newspaper **increases**. ##### Lynching **declines faster**: ##### (4) in places with **more exposure** to national public sphere ] [check]:./check-mark-3-24.png --- .left-column[ ## Analysis ### Reach ### Criticism ] .right-column[ ### Observations * **lynching-issue dyads** *with coverage* within one-week window * **Criticism**: `$$AntiLynchingKeyWords - ProLynchingKeyWords$$` ### Design * **Fixed effects** for: * total matching keywords * unique lynching events * year ] --- class: center, middle ## Criticism of Lynching across Distance
--- .left-column[ ## Analysis ### Reach ### Criticism ] .right-column[ ### Pattern **not expained by**: * Distant coverage using fewer overall words (Keyword FE) * Heinous lynchings being more newsworthy and worthy of criticism (Lynching Event FE) * Trends over time for more distant coverage *and* more criticism (Year FE) ] --- .left-column[ ## Analysis ### Reach ### Criticism ### Lynchings ] .right-column[ ### Four implications of the argument ##### Greater reach yields criticism, fewer lynchings. ##### **Coverage** of lynching is **more critical**: ##### ![check][] (3) as the **distance** from the lynching to the newspaper **increases**. ##### Lynching **declines faster**: ##### ![check][] (4) in places with **more exposure** to national public sphere ] [check]:./check-mark-3-24.png --- .left-column[ ## Analysis ### Reach ### Criticism ### Lynchings ] .right-column[ ### Observations * **county-year panel**: 3109 counties from 1880 to 1900 * **Lynching**: *any* lynchings in a county-year * **Exposure**: travel-time weighted "[access](#access)" to newspaper audiences ### Design * Year FE * County FE/Lagged Dependent Variable * Economic, demographic, and rail-construction covariates ] --- class: center, middle name: access_table ### [Access](#access) to daily newspaper circulation inhibits lynching
--- .left-column[ ## Analysis ### Reach ### Criticism ### Lynchings ] .right-column[ ### Effect **not expained** by: * Trends toward fewer lynchings; more newspaper circulation (Year FE) * County propensity to have lynching (County FE) * Economic/demographic changes in counties (County Covariates) * Local railroad construction * "Access" to something other than media audiences (e.g., population) ] --- class: center, middle ### Exposure to media audiences, not population.
--- --- template:inverse ## What's next? --- .left-column[ ##Conclusion ###To Do: ] .right-column[ ###Did **activists** change the frame? ###Did external **criticism** stop lynching? ###Can changes in publicity **legitimize** violence? ] --- template:inverse class: center, middle
--- template:inverse ## Scope --- .left-column[ ##Conclusion ###To Do: ###Scope ] .right-column[ ### Dimensions of Violence
||**State Violence**|**Non-state Violence**| |:-|:-:|:-:| |**Legitimation**
|Refugee/Immigrant Detention,
Nazi ethnic cleansing|'Stand Your Ground' Laws| |**De-legitimation**
|Death penalty|**Lynching**,
Widow burning| ] --- .left-column[ ##Conclusion ###Scope ] .right-column[ ### Where does this argument travel? ##### **Cases in which:** ##### 1. *Violence relatively "local"* ##### 2. *Power disparity is large* ##### 3. *Perpetrators value their reputation* - Who are "peers"? - Economic/trade relations - Shared jurisdictions ] --- .left-column[ ##Conclusion ### To Do: ### Scope ] .right-column[ ### Does publicity *constrain state violence* ? Unclear at this point, but mechanisms ### Help understand *Legitimation of state violence* ] --- .left-column[ ##Conclusion ###Scope ###Legacy ] .right-column[ ### Legacy of Anti-Lynching Movement Publicity effective, but should not be overly sanguine ] --- template:inverse -- ### Du Bois: "The police is the mob. The courts are the lynchers." --- template:inverse #Thank you --- --- template:inverse #Extra slides --- name:extras #### Argument - [conditions for effects](#effect_conditions) - [newspaper partisanship](#partisanship) - [discourse shifts over time](#discourse_shift_time) #### Data - [digitization rates by time](#digitization_time) - [coverage validation (window)](#coverage_window) - [coverage validation (accuracy)](#coverage_validation) - [discourse keywords](#keywords) - [keyword validation](#keyword_validation) - [discourse measure](#discourse_measure) - [media access measure](#access) #### Analysis - [model specification](#equations) - [coverage over distance](#coverage_over_distance) - [coverage results (aggregate)](#aggregate_result) - [effects over distance](#distance_result) - [travel time table](#travel_time_table) - [limits](#limits) - [extensions](#railroad_extension) --- template:inverse ## Extras: Argument and Evidence --- name:effect_conditions .left-column[ ##Argument ### Violence ### Publicity ] .right-column[ ### Under some conditions... 1. **News of violence reaches new audience** 2. **New audience is interested** 3. **New audience is critical/persuaded by victims** 4. **News of criticism reaches locality** 5. Locals value relationship/reputation with audience ### ... increasing publicity can 1. **Challenge local hegemony of pro-violence discourses** ] --- .left-column[ ##Argument ### Violence ### Publicity ] .right-column[ ### Under some conditions... 1. **News of violence reaches new audience** 2. **New audience is interested** 3. **New audience is critical/persuaded by victims** 4. **News of criticism reaches locality** 5. **Locals value relationship/reputation with audience** ### ... increasing publicity can 1. Challenge local hegemony of pro-violence discourses 2. **Increase reputational costs to endorse or tacitly approve violence** ] --- .left-column[ ##Argument ### Violence ### Publicity ] .right-column[ ### Under some conditions... 1. **News of violence reaches new audience** 2. **New audience is interested** 3. **New audience is critical/persuaded by victims** 4. **News of criticism reaches locality** 5. **Locals value relationship/reputation with audience** ### ... increasing publicity can 1. Challenge local hegemony of pro-violence discourses 2. Increase reputational costs to endorse or tacitly approve violence 3. **Increase costs of permitting violence to occur** ] --- class: center, middle name: partisanship Fraction of daily Republican papers Republican by region
[extras](#extras) --- class: center, middle Fraction of all papers Republican (south)
[extras](#extras) --- class: center, middle name: discourse_shift_time Average Criticism over Time
[extras](#extras) --- template:inverse ## Extras: Data --- class: center, middle name: digitization_time Digitized Newspaper Issues by Year
[back](#newspaper_data) [extras](#extras) --- class: center, middle name:coverage_window Fraction of event-related articles from time of event
[extras](#extras) --- class: center, middle name:coverage_validation TPR/PPV of article-event matching over time from event
[extras](#extras) --- name:keywords
[extras](#extras) ---
[extras](#extras) --- name:keyword_validation
[extras](#extras) --- name:discourse_measure ### Discourse scaling `$$\begin{equation}\label{eq:discourse_scale} Criticism_k = \left( \sum_{i=1}^{n_a} AntiLynchingWord_{ik} \right) - \left(\sum_{j=1}^{n_p} ProLynchingWord_{jk} \right) \end{equation}$$` [extras](#extras) [back](#newspaper_data) --- name:access ### Media Access Media access in **county** `\(i\)` is the average of: * `\(NewspaperCirculation_j\)` (total circulation of daily newspapers in a county `\(j\)`) * for **all other counties** `\(j\)`; `\(i \neq j\)`; * Weighted by the inverse of `\(\tau_{ij}\)` (railroad travel time between `\(i\)` and `\(j\)`) `$$MediaAccess_i = \sum\limits_{i \neq j}^{j} NewspaperCirculation_j * \tau_{ij}^{-1}$$` [extras](#extras) [return](#access_table) --- template:inverse ## Extras: Analysis --- name:equations ##Equations ### Coverage Model `$$\begin{equation}\label{eq:coverage_dyads} \begin{split} Y_{ijt} =& \alpha_{year} + \alpha_{i} + \alpha_{j} + \boldsymbol{\delta}\mathbf{Centrality_{it}} + \\ &\boldsymbol{\beta}\mathbf{Distance_{ijt}} + \boldsymbol{\gamma}\mathbf{X_{it}} + \boldsymbol{\lambda}\mathbf{W_{jt}} + \\ &\varepsilon_{i} + \varepsilon_{j} \end{split} \end{equation}$$` ### Lynching model `$$\begin{equation}\label{eq:lynching} \begin{split} Lynchings_{it} = \alpha_i + \alpha_t + \beta_1 Access_{it} + \mathbf{X_{it}\beta} + \varepsilon_{county_i} \end{split} \end{equation}$$` [extras](#extras) --- class: center, middle name: coverage_over_distance Probability of lynching mention by distance
--- name: aggregate_result Centrality Results (aggregated to the event, fraction of papers)
[extras](#extras) --- name: distance_result Effect across Distance
[extras](#extras) --- name:travel_time_table
--- name:limits .left-column[ ## Analysis ### Limits [extras](#extras) ] .right-column[ ###Railroads Endogenous? * but network attributes not locally determined * conditioned on local railroad construction ###Alternative interpretations * Importance, not information * Condition on population, economic output * Access to circulation, not to population * Reduced or hidden lynchings? * "Supply" or "demand"? ###Text * Broad but limited depth * Keywords are drastic simplification * [Validation](#keyword_validation): manual coding ] --- name:railroad_extension .left-column[ ##Extension ###Railroads ### Telegraph [extras](#extras) ] .right-column[ ###Railroad networks * Railroad stations for each year between 1880 and 1910 * Scanned station lists for each year * Digitizing text, geocoding * Proximity to rail stations ### Telegraph Offices * Telegraph offices * Scanned lists * Digitizing text, geocoding ] --- class: center, middle
[extras](#extras) --- template:inverse